Game scenario

The airsoft game is based on a plot or scenario in which the player imagines himself as one of the warring parties. Airsoft storylines can be as simple as shooting the opposing team, conquering or winning a post, searching for a map, or completing some other specific game task! Scenarios in airsoft can be many and varied, that's why we offer an insight into some of them! These scenarios can be longer, even one scenario for the whole day, or shorter, depending on the style of the game and the wishes of the participants in the event.

Occupying space or territory

1/3 of airsoft players have the task of occupying the premises or territory of a specific object. They have to hold positions as long as possible and protect the premises or territory from opponents. It is best to hide an object in the area or room that needs to be specifically protected. If an airsoft player - defender is shot, then he goes to revive or is considered shot and goes to the safety area. 2/3 of the airsoft players are attackers, whose task is to occupy the protected territory and, if necessary, find and take the specified object to the specific place. For a more intense game, time is given, for example 20 or 30 min, in which the task must be completed. If the attackers do not perform this task, then the defenders have won.

Team Deathmatch

Airsoft players are divided into two teams. Each team's bases are determined in different areas of the field. The task of the teams is to neutralize or "shoot" the members of the opposing team. The game continues until all members of the coma are neutralized.

King of The Hill

A game can have two or more teams. The starting points of their bases are set at equal distances from the point or hill to be captured. The task of the teams is to gain control of the mountain and protect it for a certain amount of time. The team that completes the task first has won.

Bomb mining

Airsoft participants are divided into two similar teams. 2 bases are defined, where teams start the game and revive after a certain time in their base. In the middle between the bases, in a fairly open place, a BALL is placed, which the teams of airsoft players must mine. Demining takes place as follows - one of the representatives of the airsoft team runs to the ball, picks it up in an outstretched hand and loudly counts to 10, with an interval of a second. If he counts, then the team has won and the game ends, but if he is shot while counting, then he returns to the base come alive and start again.


Participants are divided into two similar teams. Teams have certain bases - each one has its own. The president is hiding in the airsoft field. The teams have the task to be the first to bring the president to their base. Whichever team does it first wins. The president moves only by walking slowly, if the president stumbles, he is considered injured, stops, raises his hand and counts aloud to 30. While the president is counting, it is forbidden to move him. The team that takes the first president to their base is the winner.


Players divide into 2 similar teams. The game has 2 bases and 2 flag points. The task is for each airsoft team to protect their own flag so that it is on their own flag point and steal and carry the opponent's flag to their own flag point. Bases respawn from time to time. The airsoft team that has brought both flags to their flag point wins.

The plots of the games can also be not only invented by us.

If you have a great idea for a story, we'd love to hear from you!